Megaman would be proud of you :P
Megaman would be proud of you :P
Old memories
Great song i still have Battle Network 1 and have never completed it.
I got stuck at some part and after hearing this i wanted to play it all the way through.
Now where did i put that thing?
Great song!
Awesome song but the reviewers need to give credit to Brentalfloss!
I don't think brentalfloss receives any kind of royalties just because he adds lyrics to songs.
You know.....just sayin'
Just dont let em touch your balls
Great hint! Great song! Great videoclip! It should be showed on MTV or something
A scooper in your pooper.
That must have hurt like hell!
Sounds like Guitar VS Piano
Its like a remix of Guitar VS Piano but it still rocks.
Sounds kinda like a underwater level of a game
I like it
It's more like a boss song. But i still like it.
Maybe add some heavier instruments?
Joined on 5/18/09